Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Cut off the head . . .

"Cut off the head . . " 

Game 1

Iraqi intelligence has pin pointed an Iranian forward command post, taking this out would disrupt Iranian ground forces in the area.

Deployment: Short Edge

Mission: Strike (Command Centre)

Points Value: 200pts

Iranian Forces (Defender)

--F-14A Tomcat
-Competant pilot (Parvis Azizi)
-x2 AIM-54A missiles
-x2 AIM-9P missiles

--F-14A Tomcat
-Competant pilot (Keyvan Bayat)
-x2 AIM-54A missiles
-x2 AIM-9P missiles

-Light AAA
-x2 Medium AAA
-AAA Radar
-x2 Hawk PAR radar
-x2 MIM-23 Hawk SAM

The Plan
The ground weapons will provide a low level hazard zone, the Tomcats will arrive at high altitude to eliminate any high altitude bombers and swoop down if needed.

Turn 2: x2 Tomcats arrive at altitude 5

Iraqi Forces (Attacker)

-Average pilot (Mousa Askar)
-x4 Kh-23 missiles

-Poor pilot (Tarik Hadid)
-x16 bombs

-Poor pilot (Imad Shaalan)
-x16 bombs

--Mirage F-1EQ
-Competant pilot (Bilal Badin)
-x2 Super 530F missiles
-x2 Magic R.550 missiles
-x6 bombs

The Plan
The MIG-23 will come on first, hopefully its ECM will allow it to avoid too much ground fire. Using its missiles to take out ground radars and weapon systems.
The SU-20s will come on next to bomb the main target.
The Mirage will provide air cover but has the ability to bomb the target if needed.

Turn 1: MIG-23 arrives at altitude 1
Turn 3: x2 SU-20 arrive at altitude 2
               Mirage arrives at altitude 4

Set up


The MiG-23BN speeds on at low altitude, the pilot quickly acquires a lock on a HAWK guildance radar and let's off a Kh-23 ATGM.

The ZU-23-2 opens fire and hits nothing, the SAMs fire off two missiles.


The two Iranian Tomcats arrive, the Kh-23 slams into the HAWK radar blasting it to pieces. The SAM missiles home in on the MiG, but Askar makes a last minute defensive turn and avoids both missiles.

The ZU-23-2 continues to pour ineffective fire at the MiG, two more SAM missiles are launched and the sky guard systems start to open fire.

Both Tomcats drop altitude as they make a tight turn, the MiG also drops his speed.


The Iraqi Sukhoi's and Mirage arrive.

The SAM missiles once again home in on the MiG, who puts the plane into a steep climb, both missiles proximity fuses detonate the warheads but no damage is caused.

Both Tomcats gain speed and make another tight turn.

Badin decides to drop his bomb payload rather than chace the F-14s, the bombs hit home.

The ZU-23-2 continues to be ineffective but both the sky guard guns catch the MiG in a crossfire.
The aircraft is peppered full of holes, damaging the plane and wounding the pilot.

The last two SAM missiles are launched at the Sukhois.


The two SAM missiles detonate close to Hadids Sukhoi, he is wounded and the aircraft damaged.
Askar opens up the Afterburner on his MiG and RTBs.

Both Tomcats perform a Split-S, the Mirage drops some altitude and banks round hard as both Sukhois drop their bomb payloads.
Hadids bomb load falls short but Shaalans hit on target.


Both Tomcats come in behind the Sukhois and get radar locks, and luanch four sidewinders . . .

Hadid is struck by two missiles, his plane is blown to pieces but he manages to eject.

Shaalan goes evasive and manages to dodge the two sidewinders.

The Sukhoi and Mirage RTB.


Pretty safe to say the Command post is destroyed, with a total of 22 bomb hits!


Tarik Hadid = Lightly Wounded
Mousa Askar = Lightly Wounded

-10% pts to Su-20

MiG-23BN = Damaged for 2 turns (-10% pts)


-5% pts Hawk PAR Radar



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