Monday 29 March 2021




 This is the first game of Missile Threat that I played with my eldest son, I was the Iraqi airforce while he took the Iranians.

We decided to play the CAP mission with 150pts each, with my Iraqi's being the attacker.

The mission target,

A Factory.


--MIG-21MF (Competant pilot)

-x2 R-60 Missiles

-x2 R-3R Missiles

--MIG-21MF (Average pilot)

-x2 R-60 Missiles

--MIG-21MF (Average pilot)

-x2 R-60 Missiles

--Hunter FR.Mk10 (Average pilot)


--F-5E Tiger (Competant pilot)

-x2 AIM-9P Missiles

-x2 AIM-7E-4 Missiles

--F-5E Tiger (Competant pilot)

-x2 AIM-9P Missiles

-x2 AIM-7E-4 Missiles

--AAA Radar

-Medium AAA (Olerkon GDF)

-Heavy AAA (KS-19)

--MIM-PAR Radar


Iraqi planes are conducting CAP in the area, this is to both, provide ground forces with air protection and gather aerial reconnaissance.

Iranian Factory with air defences.


Iraqi Reconnaissance flight arrives.

On Turn 1 an Iraqi Hunter and MIG-21 (Competent pilot) arrive.

TURN 2 & 3

The first SAM is luanched

The MIM radar quickly establishes a lock on the MIG-21 and a missile is launched, the pilot attempts evasive manoeuvres but the missile scores a direct hit blowing the plane and pilot to pieces.
Two Iranian F-5 tigers arrive.


More aircraft arrive.

Two more Iraqi MIG-21's arrive, all the planes racing towards the factory and gaining missile locks.
The Iraqi Hunter successfully takes its aerial photos of the factory.


The Hunter falls to the SAM.

The Iraqi Hunter starts to climb away from the area as a SAM streaks up from the ground, the plane is lost along with its pilot.
The two F-5's perform a split-S and come to face the two MIG-21's


The Tigers and MIGs shoot past each other, both Tigers loop over again to re-acquire the MIGs while the MIGs attempt to break the fight up with one maintaining his course and the other loops around, which does not go well as the last SAM is launched, but the pilot safely ejects before his plane is turned into a fireball.


The last MIG-21 Decides to bail and opens up his after burner, the two tigers both acquires a lock and luanch a Radar guilded missile.
The MIG-21 Manages to RTB before the missiles hit.


Well, SAMs hurt! Thinking about it now I should have taken something to bomb the SAMs guildance radar first.
But an enjoyable game otherwise.

Convoy Strike

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